Building Climate Change Governance through Multistakeholder Cooperation: The Case of Low-Carbon Hydrogen Projects

Welcome to the website of the research project “Building Climate Change Governance through Multistakeholder Cooperation: The Case of Low-Carbon Hydrogen Projects”. This project is supported by the Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Co-Creation of Academic Knowledge, JSPS.

What's New


Kentaro Tamura presented at IEEFA

Kentaro Tamura presented at the Concurrent Session 'The Role of Green Hydrogen as a Global Clean Energy Commodity' of the conference 'Energy Finance 2024: Accelerating the Energy Transition in Asia' organized by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

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API Roundtable

Yarik Kryvoi gave the keynote speech at the Asia Pacific Initiative (API)

Yarik Kryvoi gave the keynote speech at the 'Formulation of Sanctions Policies - Cross Country Comparison' Roundtable hosted by the Asia Pacific Initiative (API).

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The event, organised by TRI, united international scholars in the spheres of environmental and trade law. / TRIが開催したこのイベントでは、環境法と貿易法の分野で活躍する世界中の学者が一堂に会した。

Tomoko Ishikawa gave the keynote speech at TRI

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Motohiro KONDOH submitted an article to Nikkei GX.

Motohiro Kondoh published an article in Nikkei GX ("Hydrogen Society Promotion Act to Focus on 'Blue Hydrogen' for Now").

About this project

Our interdisciplinary research examines the challenges in and proposes different ways of building effective and sustainable climate change governance for low-carbon hydrogen projects based on inclusive cooperation among diverse stakeholders.

Positing that disagreements between diverse actors have hindered effective climate change mitigation measures, our multidisciplinary study aims to propose ways to overcome division and fragmentation in climate change governance. Focusing on low-carbon hydrogen projects, we present ways of building effective and sustainable climate change governance through multi-stakeholder cooperation. In this study, experts from law, political science, economics, business administration, and chemical engineering collaborate in investigating climate change governance from the following five perspectives:

  1. Climate Change and International Politics;

  2. Climate Change and Trade;

  3. Corporate Climate Responsibility and Civil Society;

  4. Climate Change and Corporate Management;

  5. Climate-change-related Technologies and CC(U)S.


We aim to propose a comprehensive institutional design that fosters inclusive cooperation between various stakeholders such as states, business, NGO‘s, citizens, and experts, focusing on low-carbon hydrogen projects. This design encompasses the issues of low-carbon hydrogen certification standards, trade and technology transfer rules, codes of conduct for countries and companies, models for shared value creation, and the international standardization of technology.

Research Objectives

Project Office

Room 109, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, 464-8602, JAPAN

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